15 Lake Ridge Plaza, Valley Cottage, NY 10989
Text or call: 845-675-8444
Office Phone: 845-268-0555
Fax: 845-675-0333

…With Effectiveness And Individual Care for All!

“I pledge allegiance to the patients of Empire Sports Physical Therapy and to the values on which it stands. Many treatments for different injuries, comprehensive with effectiveness and individual care for all” I believe that the best way to be a Physical Therapist is to actually CARE FOR MY PATIENTS. I believe that is the … Read more

How can a Physical Therapist Help Me?

Physical therapy is one of the most misunderstood disciplines in all of healthcare. We, as Physical Therapists, are often confused with massage therapists, chiropractors, personal trainers, and occupational therapists. In the past few years, physical therapists have realized that we have a PR problem. The American Physical Therapy Association defines a physical therapist as “a … Read more

Recognizing Concussion Symptoms in Athletes

It feels like during just about every NFL or college football game that you watch lately there is a player going off to the sidelines for a concussion evaluation—the tent goes up and after a few minutes they come out and the player either goes to the locker room or back to the field. Most … Read more

Why You Need to Add One More Check-Up to Your Schedule

I don’t know what happens in your house in August, but in mine we inevitably spend the majority of the last month of summer getting ready for the kids to go back to school. This includes clothes shopping, getting school supplies, and of course the kids’ annual check-up. The check-up always leads to the conversation … Read more

Pain Is a Liar

Pain is the number ONE issue that causes people to think about going to see a physical therapist. We, as physical therapists, have continued to precipitate this emphasis by asking about pain, and performing techniques that are focused on pain relief, BUT we as therapists want to do so much more for our patients, and … Read more

I Have Pain From An Injury: What Do I Do Now?

You’re walking down the street, playing a sport or working around the house and out of nowhere a pain shoots through your ankle, knee, back, neck, or shoulder. The first thing that goes through your mind is “let me just shake it off”, but that doesn’t help. It’s still there…but “it’s not bad enough to … Read more

Welcome to the Empire Sports Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Community

I formed Empire Sports Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation in 2017 with the goal of being the go to problem solver for all the musculoskeletal needs in Valley Cottage, Clarkstown, Rockland County and beyond. Empire Sports Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation is here to deliver highly customized and detailed care for any of the aches and pains … Read more