15 Lake Ridge Plaza, Valley Cottage, NY 10989
Text or call: 845-675-8444
Office Phone: 845-268-0555
Fax: 845-675-0333

The Secondary Health Crisis of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our world and will be the biggest health crisis that most of us will ever see. It has changed the way all of healthcare will deal with viruses for the rest of time. We are all taking huge precautions to slow the spread of the virus and “flatten the curve”. … Read more

“What Do I Do When Quarantine Gets Painful?”

Since being quarantined at home and being off their normal routines, people are noticing more Neck, Back and Knee pain because they are either sitting more or DOING more. Those who have been sitting more have been complaining about back and neck pain and stiffness, which has caused more tension and tenderness in the shoulders … Read more

What’s Going on with My Shoulder?

There is no body part that people come into therapy for that causes as much confusion as the shoulder. The worry and confusion is palpable from the first day of physical therapy. BUT Why? The worry and confusion is very understandable for many reasons. Let’s see if I can clear up any lingering confusion about … Read more

How Important is Sport-Specific Training Really?

The idea of sport-specific training has become a huge topic among athletes, trainers and physical therapists. This has become such a big topic that many people have created whole exercise programs that only use exercises that simulate the movements that are done on the field, created course on them for trainers and therapists, and created … Read more

What is the Core? And Why is it SO Important?

Everyone who exercises or who has back pain has been told “You need to strengthen your core!” I took gross anatomy and have spent the years with the focus of my life working on the human body and know for a fact that there is no core muscle or core group in the body, but … Read more

…With Effectiveness And Individual Care for All!

“I pledge allegiance to the patients of Empire Sports Physical Therapy and to the values on which it stands. Many treatments for different injuries, comprehensive with effectiveness and individual care for all” I believe that the best way to be a Physical Therapist is to actually CARE FOR MY PATIENTS. I believe that is the … Read more

How can a Physical Therapist Help Me?

Physical therapy is one of the most misunderstood disciplines in all of healthcare. We, as Physical Therapists, are often confused with massage therapists, chiropractors, personal trainers, and occupational therapists. In the past few years, physical therapists have realized that we have a PR problem. The American Physical Therapy Association defines a physical therapist as “a … Read more