15 Lake Ridge Plaza, Valley Cottage, NY 10989
Text or call: 845-675-8444
Office Phone: 845-268-0555
Fax: 845-675-0333

My Daughter Got Back Pain for Her Quaran-TEEN Birthday

As if being 13 isn’t hard enough, turning 13 in Quarantine doesn’t sound like a great way to enter your teenage years… …But that is what my daughter, Gianna, did this week, and it was not without EVEN more drama. Not to mention setting up the birthday parade, getting all the gifts wrapped, and decorating … Read more

When Gyms Reopen—Will You Be Ready?

The Lower Hudson Valley Region is re-opening SLOWLY, but steadily. While many businesses have adapted by offering online services, we have remained open and are so happy to see more people being confident in themselves and us and are coming out and into the office—which just shows that re-opening of the state is going well. … Read more

Has Quarantine Become a Pain in the Butt?

We are now more than 2 months into Quarantine and doing our best to flatten the curve and get back to “normal” life. In this time, we have all done our part to fight the spread of COVID-19, but that fight does not come without consequences. Many people I’ve talked to over the last few … Read more

7 Ways To Strengthen Your Immune System (So You Can Fight COVID-19 and Everything Else)

Most people understand the importance of a healthy heart, the ability to take a deep breath and healthy musculoskeletal system to improve their quality of life, but many people have never thought about caring for their immune system…until just recently. A strong immune system can protect you from the common cold, a stomach virus, and … Read more

The 15 Things You May NOT Be Doing That Are Keeping You From Being Fit Into Your 40’s, 50’s and 60’s

Study after study demonstrate that exercise is vital for staying healthy and avoiding chronic illness. Also, strong bodies and fit people continue to move and enjoy life for much longer. BUT…many people who are getting back to exercising (or are trying to keep up with their exercise program during quarantine) are NOT doing some of … Read more